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Worlds Without End – Small and Simple Framed ArtO Jerusalem – Small and Simple Framed ArtCome As You Are – Small and Simple Framed ArtLamb of God – Small and Simple Framed ArtLost and Found – Small and Simple Framed ArtLost and Found – 7 x 8.5 Black Arched FrameJust for a Moment – 7 x 8.5 Black Arched FrameConsider the Lilies – 7 x 8.5 Black Arched FrameCome As You Are – 7 x 8.5 Black Arched FrameBeside Still Waters – 7 x 8.5 Black Arched FrameWorlds Without End – 7 x 8.5 Black Arched FrameForgiven – 7 x 8.5 Black Arched FrameEven A Sparrow – 7 x 8.5 Arched Black FrameThe Master’s Touch – 7 x 8.5 Black Arched FramePrecious In His Sight – 7 x 8.5 Black Arched FrameHope on the Horizon – 7 x 8.5 Black Arched FrameTake My Hand – 7 x 8.5 Black Arched FrameIn the World Not of the World – 7 x 8.5 Black Arched FrameAs I Have Loved You – 7 x 8.5 Black Arched FrameWalk With Me – 30×44 Dark and Gold Framed PrintLost & Found – 30×44 Dark and Gold Framed PrintIn His Constant Care – 30×44 Dark and Gold Framed PrintAwesome Wonder – 30×44 Dark and Gold Framed PrintBe Not Afraid – 30×44 Dark and Gold Framed PrintThe Tree of Life – 30×44 Dark and Gold Framed PrintNew Beginnings – 10×10 Chestnut FrameWalk With Me – 7×9 Framed ArtGreener Pastures – 23″ White Round FrameEven A Sparrow – 23×27 Grey Frame w/ Silver LinerI Am A Child Of God – 350 Piece Family PuzzleForever And Ever – 350 Piece Family PuzzleJust For A Moment – 275 Piece PuzzleJesus Once Was A Little Child – 275 Piece PuzzleAwesome Wonder – 1000 Piece PuzzleWherever He Leads Me – 1000 Piece PuzzleEven A Sparrow – 1000 Piece PuzzleGreg Olsen Mini Collection – 6 Prints in 1 FrameGreener Pastures – 9×11 Natural WoodGentle Healer – 11×13 Black Arched FrameLamb of God – 11×13 White Arched FrameBe Not Afraid – 350 Piece Family PuzzleI See You – 18×18 Framed Art – White Good Horse Gone (Customize) A Mighty Fortress (Customize) Abide With Me (Customize) After the Masquerade (Customize) (Customize) Airship Adventures (Customize) Alpha and Omega (Customize) And the Truth Shall Make You Free (Customize) Angel of Hope (Customize) Angels of Christmas (Customize) The Arm Wrestle (Customize) As I Have Loved You (Customize) At Home for the Evening (Customize) Autumn Around the Bend (Customize) Autumn Burst (Customize) Away in a Manger (Customize) Awesome Wonder (Customize) The Baptism (Customize) Be It Ever So Humble (Customize) Be Not Afraid (Customize) Be Still (Customize) Bedtime Stories (Customize) Beside Still Waters (Customize) Bible Stories (Customize) Boats on the Beach (Customize) Bon Voyage (Customize) Boston Sailboats (Customize) (Customize) Boyhood Winter (Customize) Bread of Life (Customize) Brotherly Love (Customize) Camelback at Sundown (Customize) Cast Your Nets on the Right Side (Customize) Castles in the Sky (Customize) The Cattle Drive (Customize) (Customize) The Chief (Customize) Children of the World (Customize) Christmas Eve Touch-Up (Customize) The Clockmaker (Customize) Come As You Are (Customize) Come Follow Me (Customize) Company for Dinner (Customize) Consider the Lilies (Customize) (Customize) (Customize) Cream and Sugar (Customize) Daddy's Little Girl (Customize) Dance of His Fathers (Customize) Deep Woods (Customize) (Customize) Delicate Balance (Customize) Denim to Lace (Customize) Docked at Peggy's Cove (Customize) Don't Forget to Pray (Customize) (Customize) Dream Castles (Customize) Dress Rehearsal (Customize) Eatin' Beans (Customize) (Customize) Even A Sparrow (Customize) (Customize) Fairy Tales (Customize) Fall Leaves (Customize) Forever and Ever (Customize) Forgiven (Customize) Formal Luncheon (Customize) Fountains of My Youth (Customize) Fraternity Tree (Customize) Garden Bridge (Customize) Greener Pastures (Customize) Halloween Sweetness (Customize) Harbor Lighthouse (Customize) Bales Above Beynac (Customize) He Is Risen (Customize) Heaven Sent (Customize) (Customize) Heavenly Hands (Customize) Heir to the Kingdom (Customize) His Watchful Eye (Customize) The Holy Family (Customize) Hook, Line, and Summer (Customize) Hope on the Horizon (Customize) I Feel My Savior's Love (Customize) I Love New Yorkies (Customize) I'm Trying to be Like Jesus (Customize) Imagination: The Final Frontier (Customize) In His Constant Care (Customize) In His Light (Customize) In the Arms of His Love (Customize) In the Beginning (Customize) In the World, Not of the World (Customize) Joy of the Lord (Vignette) (Customize) June 4, 1944 (Customize) Just for a Moment (Customize) Keeper of the Gate (Customize) Kickin' Back (Customize) King of Kings (Customize) Lace Curtains and Flowers (Customize) The Lamb of God (Customize) Let Him In (Customize) Lift Where You Stand (Customize) Light of the World (Customize) A Light to the Gentiles (Customize) Lincoln Logs (Customize) (Customize) Little Girls Will Mothers Be (Customize) Little Lamb (Customize) Little Boy Blew (Customize) Lost and Found (Customize) Lost No More (Customize) Making a List (Customize) The Master's Touch (Customize) Melodies Remembered (Customize) (Customize) The Messenger (Customize) Milk and Cookiezzzzz (Customize) (Customize) Morning Mist on Bull Lake (Customize) A Mother's Love (Customize) Mountain Grandeur (Customize) Nature Break (Customize) Jesus of Nazareth (Customize) New England Lighthouse (Customize) Night in Grizzly Country (Customize) No Greater Love (Customize) Nurtured by the Word (Customize) O Jerusalem (Customize) Out of the Wilderness (Customize) Park City Barn (Customize) Peace on Earth (Customize) Pleasure of Your Company (Customize) Prayer for Peace (Customize) Precious in His Sight (Customize) Prelude (Customize) Rainy Day Off Jaffa Street (Customize) The Reason for the Season (Customize) (Customize) (Customize) (Customize) Relics of a Snake River Trapper (Customize) (Customize) Road to Emmaus (Customize) Sacred Space (Customize) The Savior (Customize) (Customize) Shruburbia (Customize) Side by Side (Customize) Sidewalk Performance (Customize) Song of Praise (Customize) The Spirit of Christmas (Customize) Spirit of Christmas (w/ Poem) (Customize) Spirit of Christmas (Vignette) (Customize) (Customize) (Customize) Summerhouse (Customize) Take My Hand (Customize) Teton Crossing (Customize) The Apprentice (Customize) The Comforter (Customize) (Customize) The Dandelion (Customize) The Good Shepherd (Customize) The Harvester (Customize) The Kingdom Within (Customize) The Knife Maker (Customize) (Customize) (Customize) The Nativity (Customize) The Outsider (Customize) The Road Home (Customize) The Sower (Customize) The Tradesman (Customize) (Customize) The Way (Customize) (Customize) The Thinking Tree (Customize) Tom Shurtliff (Customize) Trader at the Rendezvous (Customize) Traveling by Book (Customize) Treasures of Knowledge (Customize) (Customize) (Customize) (Customize) View from the Acropolis (Customize) Walk With Me A Little More (Customize) Walk With Me (Customize) Water to Wine (Customize) The Way of Joy (Customize) Wharf at Mt. Vernon (Customize) Wherever He Leads Me (Customize) White As Snow (Customize) Windsocks (Customize) Wings of Freedom (Customize) (Customize) Worlds Without End (Customize) Story of Christmas (Customize) The Guardian (Customize) Empathy (Customize) Compassion (Customize) Lightworkers (Customize) Joy of the Lord (Customize) I See You (Customize) The First Vision (Customize) The Last To Fall (Customize) Liberty Jail (Customize) Sacred Grove (Customize) Seek the Spirit (Sisters) (Customize) The Tree of Life (Customize) Two by Two Plus One (Customize) New Beginnings (Customize) Walk With Me Poem (Customize) A Winter Quarters (Customize) My Peace I Give Unto You (Customize) Walk in the Light (Customize)
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I've always loved this painting by Greg Olsen and had the perfect place for it in my home. I love that I was able to choose the size and shape and design a frame that matched my style. It was so easy and the quality was even better than I imagined.


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About this painting

Painting a full blown nativity scene has always been on my professional bucket list but the daunting nature of the subject has detoured me for over three decades. The Nativity is a scene that has been portrayed countless times throughout history with the result that every Christian man, woman and child has already developed a very personal and treasured image in their minds of what that special night might have been like. That visual imagery is sacred, emotional territory that I have been reluctant to tread upon as an artist. The Nativity, however, remains as the quintessential subject in Christian genre and because of that it’s one of those pieces that eventually “you just gotta do”! I’m not sure I wanted to do anything “differently” with my version of the Nativity, I actually wanted the image to feel familiar. Some of my earliest memories revolve around the Christmas season. I remember receiving a toy farm set for Christmas (apparently I was three years old that year). I recall adding my toy farm animals to the little nativity set displayed near the Christmas tree in our home. Even at that young age I somehow felt and understood the magical spirit of Christmas and I was aware that it centered around the story told by that wonderful little nativity set. That’s why I included the Three Wise Men in the painting, although not chronologically accurate, they are part of the familiar and magical imagery we have of that first Christmas night…who wants a nativity set without any Wise Men? There is one element however which I added this is somewhat unique to the traditional nativity imagery and that is the kneeling woman with the small lamp. I often feel like women are under represented in the scriptures. I’ll leave her possible identity up to the viewer but she could be the innkeeper’s wife, a midwife or a relative. I simply enjoyed the inclusion of another feminine element in this tender maternal scene. One “behind the scenes” story revolves around two of the models in the painting: the woman with the lantern and the seated shepherd on the far right with his hand on the small boy’s shoulder. These two models are friends of ours and are actually married to each other. They also happen to be the parents of another model in one of my paintings entitled “Lost and Found”. That painting depicts a teenage young man on a park bench seated beside the Savior. That young man is their son, Dan. Dan and our son Nate have been friends since grade school. Some months prior to the creation the Nativity painting, Dan passed away. For me this was a case of life (and death) imitating art. I can very much imagine Dan receiving love, compassion and rest in the Savior’s company. So in a beautifully strange twist of chronology and storyline, Dan’s parents, in the Nativity painting have the chance to offer their love and light to the little Christ child who will one day return it upon their own son!

by Greg Olsen

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